Celebrate National Home Remodeling Month With Us

Celebrate National Home Remodeling Month With Us

May is National Home Remodeling Month and Allan Homes Unlimited is proud of our 40-plus years as a professional remodeling company headquartered in Columbia Maryland. Remodelers are instrumental in improving the quality of life for homeowners throughout the country....
Building and Remodeling for the Generation X Lifestyle

Building and Remodeling for the Generation X Lifestyle

It seems like everyone today wants to talk about millennials and how to market to their unique tastes. However, while most millennials are just starting out and raising families, there is another generation that is driving today’s remodeling culture. We’re talking...
Selling Your Home Faster Through Remodeling

Selling Your Home Faster Through Remodeling

You’ve finally decided to sell your home. Everyone you know (including your real estate friends) is telling you to make your house into a model home in order to sell it fast for top dollar. However, does applying a new coat of frosting on the cake really translate...